OM Chess Academy

The Unstoppable Chess Academy is for anyone who is interested in mastering the art of chess with wide range of resources and tools that can help you improve your game and develop your skills.

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FIDE Chess in Education Commission and Opening Master have entered into a partnership

Lausanne, Switzerland / Bratislava, Slovakia – The Chess in Education Commission of the International Chess Federation, FIDE EDU, is dedicated to promoting chess as an educational tool and developing chess education programs and curricula in schools and educational institutions worldwide. Opening Master, with its focus on education and chess growth and learning globally, is a natural partner for FIDE EDU in advancing this mission.

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[#17] Interview with Farouq Nasir - 11 year old chess prodigy from Nigeria

Nasir is only 11 years old. He moved from Nigeria to the United Kingdom with his family early last year to seek better life and opportunities for chess. Before he left, he planned to conquer Nigeria and Africa in chess. His relocation only meant a change in plan. Conquer Wales, then the United Kingdom, then Europe and maybe the world.

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Interview with Farouq Nasir - 11 year old chess prodigy from Nigeria

 Nasir is only 11 years old. He moved from Nigeria to the United Kingdom with his family early last year to seek better life and opportunities for chess. Before he left, he planned to conquer Nigeria and Africa in chess. His relocation only meant a change in plan. Conquer Wales, then the United Kingdom, then Europe and maybe the world.

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Opening Master recommends: 7 Best chess movies of all times.

Watching chess movies can be a great way to experience the beauty and complexity of the game of chess. These movies not only showcase the strategic and tactical elements of the game, but also the human drama that often accompanies it.

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KING DING - Story of first Chinese World Chess Champion and what effect it will have on Chinese chess

Ding Liren wins World Chess Championship Match 2023! After 14 classical games of the match finished in a tie with the score of 7-7, the 2023 World Chess Championship advanced to the tiebreaks. Ding Liren won the thrilling 4-game rapid mini match with a victory in the last game to become the 17th World Chess Champion! Congratulations! -- International Chess Federation

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April updates are here. Fools day, Youth Championship, Slovak Chess Federation and WCC

Attention all chess players! We are excited to announce that the April version of the Opening Master chess databases is now available, featuring new 60,000 human chess games played on tournaments around the world during April. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, these databases are an invaluable resource for studying openings and improving your game. April was quite busy for chess. Check out why.

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[#16] Why teens are suddenly obsessed with chess?

I'm sure you've noticed the recent surge in  interest in chess, especially among teens.  It's been an incredible phenomenon to watch, and I'm here to tell you why it's happening.

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Why teens are suddenly obsessed with chess? The Classical Chess Renaissance 2023

Chess has been around for centuries, but in recent years, there has been a surge of interest in the game among teenagers. This phenomenon has been dubbed "The Classical Chess Renaissance 2023." Many experts believe that this renewed interest is due to the rise of online chess, popular TV shows, and influential personalities promoting the game.

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