OM Chess Academy

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[#23] Gift of Chess, Ivie Urieto, Chess in Slums and OpeningMaster

This is a special episode and credit to France24 channel with The Medley Show in Nigeria who brings you this incredible story how young kids in the biggest floating slum in the world near Lagos, Nigeria are being transformed by chess. Enter the world of poverty where Tunde Onakoya a chess master and hero to many chess children explains how he fights the poverty with chess - a low cost catalyst which can change the course of lives of many. With New York based foundation The Gift of Chess and their children ambassador Ivie Urieto (9), a chess prodigy from Nigeria, we learn how children around the world and especially in Africa can get a next hope - with chess.

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[#22] 5 QUESTION SERIES INTERVIEW with Maestro Woodworker Brad Borkowski from Colorado, USA

Today we are going to speak with our friend Brad Borkowski aka the Colorado Woodworker from United States. Brad is a high school woodshop teacher based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Since 2013, he's run a successful store on Etsy in his spare time selling beautiful, handcrafted chessboards. After the release of Netflix's The Queen's Gambit, his sales skyrocketed!

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[#21] 5 QUESTION SERIES INTERVIEW with Lena Miladinovic, CEO Outpost & WIM, IA, FI

Today we are going to speak with our friend Lena Miladinovic from Serbia. She is a Woman International Master in chess, an international arbiter, and a FIDE instructor, coach, and CEO of Outpost Chess. The Outpost Chess is a new global platform that connects event organizers, chess clubs, players, arbiters, trainers, and offers a comprehensive hub for tournament organizers where they can find an end to end solution for running their events under one roof. And she won a startup of the year. 

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[#20] Interview with Reverend Charles Tandoh from Ghana, The Gift of Chess Coordinator

Let me welcome Reverend Charles Tandoh, who agreed to have a short interview with us, explaining why he thinks printing chess sets in Ghana helps the local community and how he plans to expand the factory to be self-sufficient, producing quality chest sets from plastic waste to the world. This is Meredith from Opening Master. The biggest human quality chess database with 9.6 millions  official chess games, sharing the chess wisdom, education, and great stories around the world. 

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[#19] Interview with Mary Lea from Ireland - student of UCA

Whether you're looking to improve your rating, compete in tournaments, or simply enjoy the game of chess at a higher level, the Unstoppable Chess Academy can help you achieve your goals. With its knowledgeable instructors, cutting edge training tools and supportive community of fellow chess enthusiasts, the Academy offers everything you need to master the art of chess and become an unstoppable player. 

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[#18] Interview with Bernice Wumbui - 12 year old chess prodigy from Kenya

Bernice Wambui is Kenya 2022 Chess Open Champion. She's also the Gift of Chess Global Youth Ambassador, AFI Child Ambassador to the United Nations and UNICEF Kenya Voice of Children Ambassador.  Did we forget to mention she is just 12?  Bernice believes chess is not just a game, it's a tool for education. 

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[#17] Interview with Farouq Nasir - 11 year old chess prodigy from Nigeria

Nasir is only 11 years old. He moved from Nigeria to the United Kingdom with his family early last year to seek better life and opportunities for chess. Before he left, he planned to conquer Nigeria and Africa in chess. His relocation only meant a change in plan. Conquer Wales, then the United Kingdom, then Europe and maybe the world.

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[#16] Why teens are suddenly obsessed with chess?

I'm sure you've noticed the recent surge in  interest in chess, especially among teens.  It's been an incredible phenomenon to watch, and I'm here to tell you why it's happening.

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