• Chess Database with 31 million games,
    world biggest collection of chess games

  • Over-the-board database with 10 million,
    Correspondance with 2 million human games.

  • Download easily now,
    great database for every chess players.

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Chess Database - Pay what You really need

Supporting the Cause

Introducing our annual subscription program, featuring monthly chess database updates for an enhanced chess experience. Please note that this is a digital download product. Upon sign-up, kindly read and accept our Terms and Conditions. You have the freedom to cancel the program anytime before the renewal date. Even if canceled, you will still have access to valuable chess databases lifetime without future updates. Thank you for supporting our cause to make a difference in the lives of underprivileged children through education and donations. Check out our latest chess cause charity, donate chess set and and save 20%

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  • €39
  • Correspondence chess database with 2.2 million human chess games. The largest collection of ICCF or corr chess players
  • FOR: Correspondence chess players (e.g. ICCF)
  • UPDATES: monthly
  • Formats: Chessbase, PGN
  • Pay with card
  • Check Out with PayPal
  • Review details
  • OM OTB
  • €59
  • Over-the-board database with 10.2 million human chess games. The largest FIDE/OTB chess database collection.
  • FOR: Classic chess players (e.g. FIDE players)
  • UPDATES: monthly
  • Formats: Chessbase. PGN
  • Pay with card
  • Check Out with PayPal
  • Review details
  • €99
  • Chess Database with 31.4 million human chess games. The largest ever collection of human chess games since 1800
  • FOR: Collectors - World largest human chess database
  • UPDATES: monthly
  • Formats: Chessbase, PGN
  • Pay with card
  • Check Out with PayPal
  • Review details

Download 56 top openings by Opening Master for free and try our chess databases for free. For indian flag small Indian customers please visit here to pay with local debit cards.

The Opening Master Chess Databases since 2004

Discover the ultimate chess winning game with Opening Master chess databases! Our exclusive collection features over 31 million top human chess games, making it the most extensive human chess database without any duplicates. The OM OTB with 10.2 millions human chess games or OM CORR with 2.2 millions correspondence chess games is something for every chess player.  ♥ Join today and unlock the biggest chess database package, carefully crafted over 18 years of research and development. Opening Master is official database partner of FIDE - International Chess Federation Education Commission, a proud sponsor of ICCF global tournaments and a trusted chess database partner of global chess education platform GCHESS. For our youngest ones we partner with ChessKid.com - the safest online chess platform for children. Opening Master gives back to the community by partnering with Gift of Chess, a humanitarian charitable organisation from NY, USA, to support underprivileged communities in Africa by giving out 1 million free chess sets. If you are a tournament organizer, arbiter, club trainer, streamer or player please join our partner OUTPOSTCHESS see many benefits for you. We offer you the most reliable and comprehensive chess databases starting as low as 39 EUR. Don't wait any longer to take your game to the next level - sign up now and start learning and winning! 

   FIDE logosmall   ICCF transChessKid trans  GCHESS trans Gift of Chess trans Outpostchess logo trans

“It’s the biggest and strongest chess database out there” - GM Simon Williams, CEO GCHESS

Subscribe to our YouTube channel Youtube Openingmaster to learn chess openings and much more. Listen to our Spotify Podcasts spotify icon transon weekly basis.

Chess database Matrix

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Number of games
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cbv, pgn
cbv, pgn
cbv, pgn
cbv, pgn
cbv, pgn
Last Update

From our kitchen

Saturday, 08 March 2025 01:37

Today, on International Women’s Day, we honor the incredible women who have shaped the world of chess—past, present, and future. Chess has long been a game of strategy and intellect, but for...

Monday, 03 March 2025 00:48

We are thrilled to share that Opening Master has taken its nonprofit mission for chess education to Accra, Ghana, joining forces with The Gift of Chess (New York) and the West African Chess Academy....

Tuesday, 18 February 2025 23:12

The world of chess databases just witnessed a historic transformation! At Opening Master , we have undertaken the biggest clean-up of the century , removing more than 2 00,000 chess players and...

Sunday, 09 February 2025 18:23

Powerful stories of strong minded people effecting hundreds of thousands young children not only in Africa. Tunde Onakoya is now in New York where I met him last time discussing how one can grow up...

Sunday, 09 February 2025 13:50

Opening Master and FIDE Education Commission is calling all out STEM graduate degree students who would like to author interesting BIG DATA chess science project. With a massive chess database like...

Sunday, 26 January 2025 21:49

India's recent dominance in chess, culminating in winning the Chess Olympiad in both Open and Women sections and Gukesh D.'s triumph in the World Chess Championship, is the result of a combination...

Monday, 16 December 2024 19:50

The 2024 World Chess Championship tookj place in Singapore on November 25. It featured the defending champ, Ding Liren, and the challenger, Gukesh Dommaraju! This post contains analysis of the Ding...

Wednesday, 27 November 2024 20:52

Greetings, chess enthusiasts! BLACK FRIDAY 2024 IS HERE. The best sales chess event of the year is upon us, and Opening Master Chess Database is rolling out the red carpet for all chess players and...

Wednesday, 30 October 2024 21:24

Playing chess can be very positive for kids with autism. Chess provides a structured and predictable environment that can help improve cognitive and social skills. Many children with autism respond...


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Our most famous chess databases

If you ask us, which is the most favourite product our customers are buying, the clear answer is OM CORR. All ICCF players love it. The OM OTB is the most powerful over-the-board chess database ever made, and many FIDE GM players use it and OM GOLEM - well it's just the biggest one out there.



OM GOLEM is the ICON of all human chess databases. The database is so massive that the most robust computers are needed. It has more than 31.4 million human games without duplicates. It is a mixture of correspondence, OTB, and portal games.


The OM CORR wasn't always a separate chess database until about seven years ago when the need from correspondence players stood out. With 2.2 million games, it is the correspondence best chess database suited mostly for ICCF players.


The OM OTB with almost 10.2 million chess games is the biggest over-the-board collection of human chess one could come up with. It all began in 2004 when creators started to collect games and analyse them. A must package for all FIDE players.


UCL School of Management in London project - When chess players are more likely to make novel moves

Opening Master is supporting new chess research Project at UCL School of Management in London project - When chess players are more likely to make novel moves.

Main Research Idea

Main research agenda: The research team aims to examine the conditions and processes that motivate individuals to “innovate” or engage in “creative problem solving”. The researchers find chess an amazing context to conduct this research because chess has strong “theory” and traditions, which makes creativity and innovation very important. For instance, moves that are deviate from traditional chess theory are seen as a “novel move”. They intend to examine when players are more likely to make such novel moves. For example, would two players who have a long competitive history (having played against each other many times before) be more likely to innovate? Or is it actually more likely when a newcomer to the tournament challenges someone already established? 

Research team

1) Dr. Tom Taiyi Yan, Assistant Professor, UCL School of Management. PhD in Organizational Behavior from University of Maryland, College Park.

2) Dr. Blaine Landis, Associate Professor, UCL School of Management. PhD in Organizational Behavior from University of Cambridge.

Research plan

The research team will to analyze the data OM OTB chess database using R, Python, and Stata. The team intends to leverage some existing techniques such as the library python-chess in Python.

Length of research: The analysis will be completed in the 12-18 months.

Research output

The research project will be submitted to top social science conferences and journal for publication (see a chess research paper example here). Upon acceptance, it will be then adapted to publish a popular press article in media outlets such as the Wall Street Journal (see Tom’s prior article here), or the Harvard Business Review (see Blaine’s prior article here). Of course the research output will be fully available to Opening Master reader and customers. 

How to support the research team?

You are a chess player. You have heard about the chess databases and the education effect is has on people. You had some free downloaded databases until now from the Internet. Or you download and search game by game. Tired? It's time to upgrade. 

Checkout the selection of our Chess Database programs. If you use coupon code "UCLchessresearch" you will get immediate 20% discount. And we will send further 30% to the research team to fund the project. 


download opening master

Ready to download the biggest chess database with 9,5 millions chess games played officially over-the-board. Download and let your education path begin. Are you lost what to do with the chess database and where to begin. We offer extensive chess lectures and course provided by Unstoppable Chess Academy. Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The chess databases are important for a number of reasons.

First and foremost, chess databases allow players to study and analyze past games. By studying the strategies and tactics used by top players, aspiring chess players can improve their own skills and understanding of the game. In addition, chess databases can be used to identify patterns and trends in a player's style, which can be helpful in preparing for a match against that player.

Second, chess databases can be used as a training tool. Many chess databases come with built-in analysis and training features that allow players to test their skills and practice specific openings or endgames. This can be particularly useful for players who are looking to improve their tactics or endgame play.

Third, chess databases can be used to track progress and measure improvement. By storing and analyzing a player's games over time, a chess database can help a player identify areas of weakness and track their progress as they work to improve.

Finally, chess databases can be used for research and analysis. Chess enthusiasts and researchers can use chess databases to study the history of the game, analyze the trends and patterns that have emerged over time, and identify the factors that contribute to a player's success.

The chess databases are an invaluable resource for players, trainers, and researchers alike. They provide a wealth of information and tools that can be used to improve one's understanding and skills in the game of chess.

OpeningMaster is now available on all three major podcast platforms

We are glad we can provide this service totally for free on all major podcast platform Youtube, Spotify and Apple Podcasts so you can now enjoy the chess meditations whether you are fan of either of the three.

openingmaster media

Visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel Youtube Openingmaster to learn chess openings and much more. Listen to our Spotify Podcasts spotify icon transon weekly basis.


We use Sync.com Cloud

sync is the new save How it works:

1. You select type of Plan you wish to download. OM CORR, OM OTB or OM GOLEM

2. Pay by the  secure gateway PayPal. We accept major credit/debit cards.

3. A confirmation email with the subscription details comes to you.

4. We register your email address to cloud service SYNC and invite you to a shared folder. It's all FREE.

5. You download all the databases to your local hard drive. You will always find a newest version of the Opening Master chess databases on the cloud.

Why Opening Master

  • It's biggest +

    Yes, we have reached a massive collection of more than 30 million human chess games.
  • For correspondence or ICCF players +

    If you are standard or professional ICCF players, the OM CORR database with 2 million
  • For OTB or FIDE players +

    The FIDE collection or OM OTB with more than 9 million games. This is the
  • Top Notch Support +

    Didn't find a game you were looking for? Write to us. Found a wrong game?
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What Our Clients Say

  • “It’s the biggest and strongest chess database out there” - GM Simon Williams, CEO and Founder of GCHESS
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Federations we supported Our Current and Previous Cooperations



International Correspondence Chess Federation - Global Read More


Czech Correspondence Chess Federation Read More


All India Correspondence Chess Federation (AICCF) Read More


British Federation for Correspondence Chess Read More


Şah prin Corespondenţă Read More


Liga Argentina de Ajedrez por Correspondencia Read More


Asociación Espaňola de Ajadrez por Correspondencia Read More


Associacao Portuguesa de Xadrez por Correspondencia Read More


TCCA Turkish Correspondence Chess Association Read More


International Correspondence Chess Federation USA Read More
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