OM Chess Academy

The Unstoppable Chess Academy is for anyone who is interested in mastering the art of chess with wide range of resources and tools that can help you improve your game and develop your skills.

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July and August are two months of the year when Earth (or western part of it) slows down. The heat wave comes to us and hit us to the face. The outside temperature is increasing to the levels where it is no longer possible chill out. Aircondition inside and swimming outside are two possibilities. Or moving to the polar circle.

We did the latter one, moving to Iceland seemed like good idea in July. The outside temperature was nice 15 C, sun shining, no wind. Outside Reyjkavik one can see only nature. Trails everywhere, lagoons, volcanos, rugged paths, geysirs.

Did you know that in 1972 Bobby Fisher (USA) and Boris Spassky (Soviet Union) played match of the century in Reyjkavik, Iceland? The American player defeated Russian during the biggest times of Cold War. The first game started on July 11, 1972. The last game began on August 31 and was adjourned after 40 moves. Spassky resigned the next day without resuming play. Fischer won the match 12½–8½, becoming the eleventh undisputed World Champion.

When traveling around the country, we noticed also Bobby Fisher chess center in Selfoss town, and other chess centers.

Last but least we published new OM OTB in July and OM CORR now in August. Increase of 50,000 new games sounds like a good deal. The OM OTB holds now 7,616,850 games without duplicates and OM CORR is proud with 1,598,580 correspondence games.

Summer loving to all chess players, get yourself a rest and prepare / study for September tournaments.

Best regards,

Alexander Horvath and Jan Helbich

founders of Opening Master

GoldFloss (Golden Circle Waterfalls in Iceland)



openingmaster media

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Opening Master chess databases are copyrighted material. Please refer to our terms and conditions for using the collection. Do not distribute, make illegal copies or parts of the databases. We are not expensive.

Opening Master chess databases are only available as part of the Subscription plans.



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+1 (424) 610-7507 (USA)

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Mariánska 32/A
Stupava, 900 31, Slovakia

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Sarasota, 34237, Florida




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