OM Chess Academy

The Unstoppable Chess Academy is for anyone who is interested in mastering the art of chess with wide range of resources and tools that can help you improve your game and develop your skills.

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Check our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and see if you don't find answers to your questions. We collected the questions from chess players asked over a period of 18 years. If not contact us.

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Chess database is more like a miracle bestowed

Let’s start with the definition of Chess. It is a 64 square board game with two players on opposite sides playing strategically against themselves. Important is to mention “strategically”. Although it is said that the game originated from India, chess is now an exciting worldwide game and players seek whatever they can to advance and to become Grand Master and win world titles. Is the journey long, who is predetermined to dominate the chess game and who will never pass 2000 ELO? We are going to focus from one single point of you – do chess databases help the player or they are counter productive?

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Using a Chess Database to analyze chess moves

With millions of searchable chess games on the chess database, it is a no-brainer why you need to use a quality chess database when getting ready for that big chess game tournament or even a small event.

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Opening Master chess database back to basics

If you turn on World Chess tournament (any), you can listen to the hosts speaking hours and hours of information, such as statistics, plays, who made what plays, what play was ran during which game, etc. To someone who is not interested in chess, or who doesn’t play chess, this information might seem irrelevant or pointless. But to someone who is genuinely invested in the games, then this information can prove to be extremely valuable in understanding how the game is played.

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Play your summer with new OM OTB and OM CORR

Dear chess friends,

summer is here (at least for those who live in 4 seasons region) and the heat is on. Turn your air condition to the max (otherwise your computers will be overheated) and prepare for the electric bills. To prepare you for the upcoming tournaments we have released OM OTB in May with 8,403,896 games (which is increase of 52K incredible new games) and now proud to publish new OM CORR with 1,773,636 games (increase of 17K correspondence games).

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New release of OM CORR and OM OTB

Dear chess friends,

we are publishing the new OM OTB version with 8,351,651 games and during the same time releasing the new OM CORR with 1,756,994 games. We understand there are many tournaments to go therefore we are glad we made it on time. (with slight delay).  An increase of 200K games since the last release.

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OM on Blockchain? New release of 8,196,295 games

Dear chess friends,

we are publishing the new OM OTB version with 8,196,295 games. As always carefully selected from various championships and tournaments. An increase of 150K games since the last release.

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18 million portal games and other news from Opening Master

Just a small update. We have completed semi-annual update of the OM Portal Chess Database with following updates - the files are so huge, that even Chessbase cannot work with them fully so we had to split it into two files. Hope it is ok. And the final number: 18 288 579 games.

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Greetings from sunny California and new OM CORR

Dear Chess users,

just few lines from sunny California. We have been working on the latest release of OM CORR and added 17K new games totaling 1,693,700 human correspondence chess games. If you are preparing yourself for new Correspondence world championship, Olympics or just a local CORR tournament you might want to get the latest version.

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Over-the-board chess database breaks personal best

We are proud to announce our new published Over-the-Board chess database OM OTB increased by 91K and moved its bar over 8 million games. (8,044,244 games). Some players consider this chess database as the strongest ever built partly because it has good size and partly because it collects over-the-board games.

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OM CORR publishes new 50K games

We are pleased to introduce new update from our chess analysts. The OM CORR has been updated and increased by 50,000 games for the last update period. Total number of human chess correspondence games represented until January 18 is 1 676 887.                                                                                                                

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Cloud Services

All our chess databases are stored on external cloud service at This way you have access to the new release immediatelly after we publish it. 

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Contact Info

Opening Master chess databases are copyrighted material. Please refer to our terms and conditions for using the collection. Do not distribute, make illegal copies or parts of the databases. We are not expensive.

Opening Master chess databases are only available as part of the Subscription plans.



+421 (917) 252-978 (Europe)

+1 (424) 610-7507 (USA)

Global HQ Address

Mariánska 32/A
Stupava, 900 31, Slovakia

USA HQ Address

2198 Main Street
Sarasota, 34237, Florida




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