OM Chess Academy

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Dear chess friends,

we are publishing the new OM OTB version with 8,351,651 games and during the same time releasing the new OM CORR with 1,756,994 games. We understand there are many tournaments to go therefore we are glad we made it on time. (with slight delay).  An increase of 200K games since the last release.

Today is March 14, 2018 and Opening Master is proud to release its new version of OM Chess database with 8,351,651 games in total without any duplicates. It is to be said that the OM OTB is the strongest and most widely used chess database although we can comment that OM CORR has its value too. Speaking of OM CORR, we are pleased to inform our correspondence chess players the OM CORR is also now available for downloading with 1,756,994 games in total

Some of you watch the Central European events and turmoils especially in Slovakia. The corrupted government is falling down finally after 10 years of ruling with populist and socialistic politics. The last drop was killing the investigative journalist and his fiancé both 27 aged (#AllforJan is the hashtag across the world). In normal west democratic society this is the line which you never cross or let cross by various mafia supported organizations. Simple no-go, otherwise you end up like Russia, Malta or Mexico. This happened in Slovakia, the center of democratic Europe which brought 120,000 people to the streets and showed direct response and disagreement following by the resignation of Minister of Interior. Everything goes peacefully and hope is in the air. If you would like to read the full report what is going on follow the British Guardian which covers it most respected ways follow this link.

Some news in Chess? Are you watching The Candidates? Some surprises going on...

Round 3: An Historic Day at the Berlin Candidates Chess Tournament

Vladimir Kramnik is not ever likely to forget Day 3 of the Candidates tournament in Berlin. Levon Aronian may well try to do so, and as quickly as possible. Kramnik, a Russian ex-world champion, smashed Aronian, who is from Armenia, in Round 3 of the tournament in a game that became an instant classic.

Playing Black, Kramnik used a defense named after the city where the tournament is taking place and which he, more than anyone, has helped to popularize. Aronian, who is not as familiar with the opening as Kramnik, walked into a brilliant piece of pre-game preparation of the former world champion. After only 10 moves, Aronian, despite playing White, was in trouble. After 18 moves, his position was almost beyond hope. From there, Kramnik used a brilliant series of moves to break down the defenses around Aronian’s king and weave a mating net. Aronian resigned after 27 moves.

It was the only decisive result of the game and propelled Kramnik into the sole lead, with 2.5 points. Kramnik’s closest pursuers are Fabiano Caruana of the United States and Shakhriyar Mamedyarov of Azerbaijan, who played to a tense draw after nearly six hours. They each have two points.

The Candidates is being organized by World Chess, the commercial partner of the World Chess Federation (FIDE), the game’s governing body. The prize fund is 420,000 euros. The winner will receive 95,000 euros, but, more importantly, he will earn the right to play Magnus Carlsen, the world champion, for the title in the Championship Match in London this November.

In addition to Kramnik, Aronian, Caruana, and Mamedyarov, the other competitors are Alexander Grischuk and Sergey Karjakin, both of Russia, Ding Liren of China, and Wesley So of the United States. The tournament is a double round-robin, with each player facing all the other competitors twice, once with each color.

The venue for the tournament is Kühlhaus (or “cool house” in English), an industrial building in central Berlin that was built in the early 20th century as a cold-storage facility for fresh produce. Among the principal sponsors of the tournament are PhosAgro, a giant Russian fertilizer company; Kaspersky Lab, a global cybersecurity firm; E.G. Capital Advisors, an investment management company; S.T. Dupont, a global luxury goods maker; Prytek, a venture capital firm; and Isklar, a Norwegian mineral water company.

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Best regards

Alexander Horvath

Opening Master

The Chess Database Company


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