OM Chess Academy

The Unstoppable Chess Academy is for anyone who is interested in mastering the art of chess with wide range of resources and tools that can help you improve your game and develop your skills.

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Dear AICCF member. There is a special offer for AICCF INDIA players! We are happy to announce that due to recent cooperation agreement between AICCF and Opening Master - The Chess Database Company, we can offer to all AICCF members Special Discount Offer of 50%.                                            

This discount shall be available on any order placed for download for all OPENINGMASTER products where AICCF chess players will receive 50% discount. (That is 29,50 EUR instead of 59 EUR). How to apply for the discount? All you need is to type special coupon code into the discount field when checking out while purchasing of the product. The discount will be applied immediately. The special code will be supplied to you by AICCF officials. If you missed the announcement please contact us directly or AICCF management.

What is Opening Master?

Opening Master is the biggest chess database of chess games played over the board or by correspondence. Its latest version includes more than 8.4 million OTB games and 1.7 million correspondence games. It also separately processes games played by players with pseudonyms on various chess servers (altogether the world's largest human chess database 26 million games). Opening Master has been on the market for more than 14 years. It was created in Slovakia, Europe by ICCF SIM Alexander Horvath in 2004, however his collection passion goes back 30 years ago using paper notes, chess books, private collections

What can I use Opening Master for?

Practical chess players most often use the Opening Master database when preparing for an opponent. They look up games played by their future opponent in the database and prepare themselves for the opening. The database is also very well suited for preparing the rest of your repertoire – one can easily find out what variations are being played at what rate of success. There is an important difference between OTB and correspondence games however: correspondence games usually feature openings that are completely different from practical chess. With Opening Master, you don’t have to rely on your memory and can freely enjoy all kinds of complicated moves – all of them are easily accessible via the database! The database is frequently used by correspondence players even during the game for looking up whether their position has already occurred in other games, how and by whom it was interpreted and what are the statistics for it.

Who is Opening Master designed for?

Opening Master is designed for all practical and correspondence players that want to take chess seriously, no matter what their level is. Today, no players, not even the grandmasters, can do without computer assistance.

What environment can I use the Opening Master database in?

The database is published in three versions designed for the most popular chess database software programs – ChessBase (.cbv), ChessAssistant (.cdp) and SCID (.pgn). The PGN format is universal, can be used in all chess environments.

How is Opening Master different from the databases published by Chessbase and Chess Assistant?

The difference lies within the philosophy of building the database – Chessbase deals with whole tournaments and all the games, even those, which were not played. It builds a database representing the history of the chess game. Opening Master has a more pragmatic approach: it deals with all games that fulfill the following criteria:

- The game is newer than 1.1.1900
- The game has at least 8 played turns
- The players have a rating of at least 1300
- The game was played by people, not by programs

Last but not least, an important difference is the significantly lower price: you can get a year-long access to monthly updates from 29 EUR.

How is Opening Master different from free databases?

Despite getting our games from different sources, we dedicate a lot of time to eliminate duplicates. We also normalize the names of the players, which amounts to dozens or even hundreds of corrections a month. The free databases are often very low-quality and cluttered with lots of duplicates.
Where can I find more information and order the Opening Master database?

You can find the newest information about Opening Master at our website You are welcome to become a member of the ever growing community of our product’s users.

Best regards,
Alexander Horvath, founder
Opening Master


openingmaster media

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All our chess databases are stored on external cloud service at This way you have access to the new release immediatelly after we publish it. 

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Contact Info

Opening Master chess databases are copyrighted material. Please refer to our terms and conditions for using the collection. Do not distribute, make illegal copies or parts of the databases. We are not expensive.

Opening Master chess databases are only available as part of the Subscription plans.



+421 (917) 252-978 (Europe)

+1 (424) 610-7507 (USA)

Global HQ Address

Mariánska 32/A
Stupava, 900 31, Slovakia

USA HQ Address

2198 Main Street
Sarasota, 34237, Florida




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