OM Chess Academy

The Unstoppable Chess Academy is for anyone who is interested in mastering the art of chess with wide range of resources and tools that can help you improve your game and develop your skills.

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How to become a Grandmaster with daily practice

Close to turning into the best on the planet, Grandmaster is a definitive culmination for the serious chess player. Out of the enormous number of chess players worldwide, a little more than 1500 current chess players have arrived at the tallness of Grandmaster! You have to realize that even the world's greatest players worked hard for years to become who they are. It is not an overnight process. They have had a ton of persistence and have idealized their procedures throughout the long term. The primary way you can achieve to be greatest is through rehearsing and learning from your mistakes. 

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Learning from our defeats

Almost one hundred years ago, Don Capablanca wrote: There have been times in my life when I came very near thinking that I could not lose even a single game. Then I would be beaten, and the lost game would bring me back from dreamland to earth. Nothing is so healthy as a thrashing at the proper time, and from few won games have I learned as much as I have from most of my defeat.

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Chess Novelties Copyright

Copyright is kind of a forbidden word in the chess world. You can study and play some chess openings or defenses, to be successful with them and then you will see, especially in the elite, how other players will start copying your choice of repertoire and novelties.

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Far away are those days

Far away are those days when playing a chess tournament meant arriving to the playing hall and just to discover (of course, on a handwritten pairing sheet) who was your opponent for that round five minutes before the start. Some pioneers dared to call to the referee the previous night, took some opening book and checked some opening which according to some friend was usually played by his next opponent.

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What’s new in Chess Openings?

C60 Spanish - Dreev – The Cozio Defence (Chess Stars 2014). In this book, we have analyzed one of the oldest variations of the Ruy Lopez -1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nge7. The move 3...Nge7 was particularly popular during the second half of the 19th century. It was played at these times by such outstanding masters like Adolph Andersen and Willhelm Steinitz.

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Lack of respect by GMs?

One of my favorite chess tournaments, if not the most, is the World Chess Cup. You have there plenty of interesting games, all kind of Grand Masters, classical, rapid and blitz games… what more can we ask for? But have you seen the hot drama between Kramnik and Bruzon? That was something.

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Chess Novelties

One of the very important and leading contributors to advance chess these days are chess novelties. The authors of Opening Master databases since very beginning of the creation thought about chess novelties and how to best approach them using the chess database system. The game is all about the “right” opening.

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This month we are presenting our new addition - OM TOP CORR 2015.CTG. A library, which holds games of top correspondence players with ELO higher than 2300 for last 5 years. You know better the theory these days evolves fast and furious. If you want to be successful at correspondence game, you have to try to reach advantage already at the opening. Otherwise it is proven very difficult to win against a player who also uses strong computer chess programs.

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Nalimov 6

The phases of chess games have been already set long time ago. The endgames, no dispute, have been elaborated by many authors on sevaral examples (e.g. J.Averbach: Chess Endgames) or others. One of the first pioneers who began to examine the deterministic approach of the endgames, how games finish, how to reach the goal in the quickest time was Eugen Nalimov. At the beginning he analyzed 3-4-5 pieces board and later on added the 6 pieces (-6 men including the kings).

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