Seems like ancient times. It was just 10 years ago when we started to use the cloud service and put our chess database online. We started with Dropbox and soon realized the fullwrite access was not good. Then we tried for few years Sugarsync but the downloads where too slow and chess players were complaining. (chess files in PGN extension are 8 GB large). Some years back we started to use cloud on sync.com and we are happy ever since.
Do you want to get super cool small gift for your special friends or family member? We have prepared a special USB KNIGHT KEY with the latest Opening Master Chess Databases as a Christmas Gift plus many more cool stuff inside. The offer is valid until December 24, 2022
Use this coupon code (without the hashtag) at the checkout when prompted and receive a this special gift by post office before Christmas EVE (orders need to be placed before December 15 and you need to let us know the postal address). You can re-use the coupon code as many times as you wish. We have no limitations. Share with many as you wish.
Why Opening Master chess databases?
Despite getting our games from different sources, we dedicate a lot of time to eliminate duplicates. We also normalize the names of the players, which amounts to dozens or even hundreds of corrections a month. The free databases are often very low-quality and cluttered with lots of duplicates. There is no such thing as free lunch. We ask for a fair price starting 39 EUR for one year. It is much cheaper than less quality commercial chess databases out there. Now you can save even more.
What can I use Opening Master for?
The OTB players most often use the Opening Master database when preparing for an opponent. They look up games played by their future opponent in the database and prepare themselves for the opening. The database is also very well suited for preparing the rest of your repertoire – one can easily find out what variations are being played at what rate of success. There is an important difference between OTB and correspondence games, however: correspondence games usually feature openings that are completely different from practical chess. With Opening Master, you don’t have to rely on your memory and can freely enjoy all kinds of complicated moves – all of them are easily accessible via the database! The database is frequently used by correspondence players even during the game for looking up whether their position has already occurred in other games, how and by whom it was interpreted, and what are the statistics for it.
Read more about Opening Master OTB here.
New release Opening Master Chess Databases November 2022
We have updated new Opening Master databases as of November 2022. Almost 100,000 new games. All new databases are available on the cloud folder at SYNC.COM (free to all users)
How to claim your discount?
It's quite easy. Go to our download page and choose PAY WITH CARD. At the checkout page use the coupon XMASOpeningMaster and receive 50% instant reduction of the price. PayPal does not offer this discount page however we will refund you 50% of the amount purchased within 24 hours. The offer is valid until December 24, 2022.
After the purchase you will receive a separate email from us inviting you to the cloud service sync.com where we store our databases. We manually check each subscriber and validate so it can take between 5 minutes and few hours. We fight against robots and spybots. The cloud service is free to use with easy registration. If you need more answers, please chat with us (whatsapp at the bottom of our website, we are here for you)