OM Chess Academy

The Unstoppable Chess Academy is for anyone who is interested in mastering the art of chess with wide range of resources and tools that can help you improve your game and develop your skills.

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The 14th of February is Valentine's Day. Candy, flowers, and presents are shared between loved ones across the United States and around the world on Valentine's Day, all in the name of St. Valentine. And we have 30% discount for you.

We know how important is your loved one, especially when he is a chess player. Why don't you buy him/her the best chess database in the world and receive immediately 30% discount.

Who was Valentine

But who is this enigmatic saint, and where did these customs originate? Learn about the history of Valentine's Day, from the ancient Roman springtime festival of Lupercalia to Victorian England's card-giving habits.

The origins of Valentine's Day, as well as the legend surrounding its patron saint, are buried in obscurity. We do know that February has always been associated with passion, and that St. Valentine's Day, as we know it now, incorporates Christian and ancient Roman traditions. But who was Saint Valentine, and how did he come to be connected with such a sacrament?

At least three individual saints called Valentine or Valentinus are recognized by the Catholic Church, all of whom were martyred. Valentine, according to mythology, was a priest who served in Rome around the third century. Emperor Claudius II forbade marriage for young men because he believed that lone men made better soldiers than those with wives and families. Valentine disobeyed Claudius and continued to execute covert marriages for young couples, despite the decree's injustice. Claudius ordered Valentine's execution after his acts were exposed. Others argue that Saint Valentine of Terni, a bishop, was the actual inspiration for the holiday. Claudius II also beheaded him outside of Rome.

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Valentine's Day Origins: A February Pagan Festival

While some believe that Valentine's Day is celebrated in the middle of February to commemorate the anniversary of Valentine's death or burial—which is thought to have occurred around A.D. 270—others believe that the Christian church chose the middle of February to "Christianize" the pagan Lupercalia celebration. Lupercalia was a fertility festival devoted to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, as well as the Roman founders Romulus and Remus, and was held on the ides of February, or February 15.

How can I get my discount?

Easy, all you need to do is purchase / subscribe to one of our chess databases - OM CORR with more than 2 million human chess games good for correspondence chess players, OM OTB with more than 9 million human chess games suitable for over the board chess players or classical FIDE registered players and last but not least OM GOLEM with more than 30 million human chess games combining OM CORR, OM OTB, OM PORTAL and other chess databases into one offer. Don't hesitate and click now. The offer is valid until February 19, 2022 midnight. When checking out use the coupon code: VALENTINE30 and you should see the deduction immediately.

Download your favorite chess database now and apply 30% immediately.

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Opening Master chess databases are copyrighted material. Please refer to our terms and conditions for using the collection. Do not distribute, make illegal copies or parts of the databases. We are not expensive.

Opening Master chess databases are only available as part of the Subscription plans.



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