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The International Correspondence Chess Federation announce the first ICCF Swiss system - KO Tournament sponsored by Opening Master. Registration deadline: 10/3/2022

The International Correspondence Chess Federation

announce the first

ICCF Swiss system - KO Tournament
sponsored by Opening Master

The tournament will be played by server and will be organized in three or four stages.


Round 1: Groups of 11 (if necessary 13) players. All groups will have approximately equal average rating.  All players who score more than 50% of the possible points will promote to the next round.

Round 2 – Round 4:   After each round, a ranking list of all qualified players  (> 50% score in the current round) will be created according to the following criteria:

  • The highest percent points
  • The highest percent wins
  • The highest percent wins with black
  • The lowest rating

The first 11 (13) players on the list form group 1 for the next round, the next 11 (13) group 2 and so forth.   For the third and fourth rounds, the accumulated points achieved in the previous rounds will be used to calculate a player’s place in the list (but the >50% in the current round is still a requirement for promotion).

The tournament will be restricted to maximal 4 rounds. The winner of the tournament will be the player with the highest accumulated score (percent) over all 4 rounds. If less than 22 Players remain for the 4th round, the tournament winner will be determined according to the scores after round 3.

Reflection time:

Triple Block each round: Duration: 500 days; Initial Clock: 50 days; Initial Bank: 50 days; Increment: 3 days, without guaranteed time

Entry fee:

6,00 €   Multiple entries are not possible!

Players may enter in the usual way through the ICCF Server Entry System.


From round 2 onwards, title norms will be available where appropriate.

Registration deadline: 10/3/2022

Start date:  31/03/2022


The winner of each group (after tie-break if necessary) in the first round will receive a 1 year licence for Opening Master’s GOLEM database (30 million games and quarterly updates, current market price 99 Euro).

The best 3 players in the final standings after the last round will receive a medal and a certificate.

Member Federations are asked to give the tournament wide publicity to all their players.

If you have any questions, please contact the TO Mike Green (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


         Frank Geider                        Jörg Kracht                          Mike Green

World Tournament Director               NTTC                     Tournament Organizer



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