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Opening Master Correspondence Chess Database
€ 39.00
/ 1 year

IN this database you receive:

Opening Master Correspondence Chess Database. You must have a chess program to open the database.
Updates frequency: quarterly
Size: 2 million human chess games
Price: 39 EUR
Usage: This database is good for all correspondence chess players from beginners to masters who play correspondence chess online mainly through ICCF federation. Stay up-to-date with your correspodence players.
Opening Master Over-the-board chess database
€ 59.00
/ 1 year

IN this database you receive:

Opening Master OTB Chess Database. You must have a chess program to open the database.

Updates frequency: quarterly
Size: 9 million human chess games
Price: 59 EUR
Usage: This chess database is good for all classic chess players from beginners to Grandmasters. It is intended for Chessbase users, Chess Assistant Users, and SCID (or other open-source PGN) chess database programs.
World's Largest Chess Database with lots of extras
€ 99.00
/ 1 year

IN this database you receive:

Opening Master GOLEM chess database - the world's largest human chess database with lots of extras.

Updates frequency: monthly
Size: 30.6 million human chess games
Price: 99 EUR
Usage: This chess database is the largest human chess database in the world. It is good for collectors, beginners, or professional ICCF and FIDE players who don't want to miss any human game. It includes correspondence games, online human games,  OTB games.
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