This is probably THE biggest even in history of Opening Master. Ever since we started our collection back in 2004 we had dreamt of largest human chess collection. Not just computer generated games. But quality collection where chess players could benefit from the statistics of open positions and games. Where chess players would download in one since piece the entire human chess of the world.

The day has come. We have been able for the last couple of months to work on the quantities. We always claim quality first. But what if you reach best quality. What happens next? You continue. Continue to search for more, index more, look deeper, search the web portals, websites, big and small and compare it against your private collection. And this is what we did. We figured we were very weak on portal games. We had approx 1 mil games before. And we said, this cannot be right, so little games. And believe it or not we found enormous collections from the chess world. It only took months to compare it and index it. 

15,534,494 of OM PORTAL GAMES. 

Once we collected all those games a massive comparison started. The bodies of the games, the headlines, names. It takes the biggest and fastest available machines to run 72 hours just to deduplicate. Just before finish we experienced the electricity shut down. Who would have thought the analysis would be gone. So once again we powered up all the computing power and did it.

24,036,086 of OM GOLEM GAMES

Speaking of troubles with 15 million Portal games, you don't want to hear the stories behind the OM GOLEM. Now we can say we have powered up the largest human chess collection ever made. Please tell us if you find somewhere more. (not computer games, but real human games). The 24,036,086 games is even large to download. So at the moment we offer it only in cbv (Chessbase) formats. Currently we are thinking if PGN will be possible.

7,792,491 of OM OTB GAMES

Right now we are working on new release of OM OTB. There are some 100,000 additions too. The files have been updated to the respective folders. Feel free to update your current libraries and work with the best.

chess victory