The 14th of February is celebrated all over the world as Valentine's Day. While many of the chess players prefer sitting at the board and enjoying the tactics and strategy of this royal game, there are a few romantics! For you chess romantics we created lovely sales and sets of chess databases that will fulfill your heart. Shop and fall in love!

Do you have a loved one who play chess? Give him or her instead of chocolate something they can use. Something they can learn. Have you heard about the chess database?

Here is the Valentine deal for you. Re-introducing again the famous free PGN format. You no longer need Chessbase database software to open our chess database. Starting January 2021 we are again re-introducing the free format PGN. Most of the players and chess readers can easily work with this format. Since December we have also updated the new games. Almost 50 thousands new games in OM CORR and OM OTB. Also the OM GAMBIT AND OM POST are new in the family. We will write about those later.
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Opening Master recent updates

OM CORR 1,975,876 correspondence games (good for ICCF players)
OM OTB 9,016,294 over-the-board games (good for FIDE players)
OM GOLEM 29,822,427 human chess games (good for all beginers and advance players)
OM GAMBIT 781,189 historical OTB chess databases between 1800 - 1986
OM POST 134,024 historical correspondence chess database between 1800 - 1986
Special coupon for Valentine 50% discount is #chessvalentine